Card designed with 4 optocouplers with a voltage output range of 3.6V to 30V (the output current depends on the specific situation but cannot exceed 10mA, the total power is constant, voltage and current are inversely proportional). 4 o'clock outputs are independent, this helps to perform simultaneous control with different voltages.The jumpers (bridges) configure the output in pulldown mode.
817 optocoupler 4 optical isolation module (SM0016)
Card designed with 4 optocouplers with a voltage output range of 3.6V to 30V (the output current depends on the specific situation but cannot exceed 10mA, the total power is constant, voltage and current are inversely proportional). 4 o'clock outputs are independent, this helps to perform simultaneous control with different voltages.The jumpers (bridges) configure the output in pulldown mode.
Features: Optocoupler: PC817
Dimensions: 48 x 38mm.
Signal voltage: 3.6V-24V.
Weight: 20 grams.
Colour: Green